Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Be Ranting...

Today, I rant. It is LONG overdue and I am busting. Therefore, this opening paragraph will cease NOW because I gots a lot of bitching to do.

  1. Lazy delivery drivers—I had some new patio furniture delivered on Sunday. I got a knock on the door only to see two men standing there...with no furniture. They stated that on their last delivery their shoes got muddy and did I want to come down and get the furniture. Ummm...no? Unless they were going to pay ME to carry MY purchase up 3 flights of stairs to my condo...no. I suggested they take their shoes off and get to it. Seriously? What part of "delivery" do they not understand?

  2. Folded shower curtains—Why...WHY do the fold them into little square packages? By time the fold marks come out it is time for a new curtain. Why don't they ROLL them? It's not rocket science.

  3. Male drivers—Okay, let me start off by saying I am not a feminist by any means. I think jokes about bad female drivers are funny. They do not offend me. BUT...let me tell you something I have noticed. The majority of BAD drivers that I encounter are in fact MALE. Trust me, if it were women I would have no problem saying so in this blog. Guys out there, I gotta tell ya...there is nothing more unattractive than a shitty male driver. Go back to Drivers Ed. Just because you are male doesn't mean you were born with mad driving skills.

  4. There, their, they're. THREE different words with THREE different meanings. To quote Brad from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High', “Learn it. Know it. Live it”. That's all.

  5. Texting people when out with others—This drives me absolutely nuts. Why do people feel the need to incessantly text other people when out with friends? When I go out, my phone stays in my purse. I choose to focus on those I am with. Why? I don't know because everyone else is busy texting so I just end up sitting there looking like a dork. Unless it is uber important, put your fucking phones away. I do not think this is a sign of the times, I think it is rude and makes the people you are with feel like their company is not enough.


  7. Clothing sizes—I am so tired of going shopping, finding something I like only to discover the only size left is extra-small. When are buyers going to get the hint that aside from celebrities, hardly anyone wears extra-small? Is it not obvious when all the mediums, larges and extra-larges are gone and there are 16 extra-smalls left that maybe, just maybe, they need to adjust the shipments?

  8. Lipstick that matches ones skin. How do people think this looks good? Yes, Angelina Jolie wears this look but trust me, she is the only one who can pull it off. Well, her and corpses. Whomever created nude lip colour was clearly colour blind. I have stated before that I believe every woman should wear lip colour at all times but even I would rather see bare lips than lips the colour of foundation.

    Love Jen, HATE the look.

  9. While I am on the topic of beauty, where the HELL did this trend of women shaving off their eyebrows to DRAW new ones on come from? I don't get it. I just don't get it. I had a friend who did this years ago. When she drew her brows on she looked like she was in a constant state of surprise. It. Looked. Ridiculous. If you don't like the look of your natural brows, call me, I have a kick-ass eyebrow girl. She is a miracle worker.

  10. Doctors who make you wait—I am totally fine with waiting for 15-20 minutes. I used to work for doctors. I know all to well how one patient can throw their whole schedule off. What I am talking about is this: I saw a specialist recently. When I got my appointment in the mail I was thrilled to see that I had the first appointment of the day. Awesome...I wouldn't have to wait! Yeah, right. I waited in the 4x4 exam room for an hour and a half. Yup, an hour and a half to see a doctor who spent, literally, 5 minutes with me. There are some doctors out there who need to realize that OUR time is just as valuable as THEIR time.
So, that is it for today. I could keep going but my blood pressure rises with every point I make and I do not feel like spending my day in “the little waiting room” to get it checked out.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

So because I am the eternal single girl, I have been around A LOT of friends and their boyfriends. I can honestly say, witnessing some of these relationships has been one hell of an eye opener. I definitely know the qualities I want and the ones I don't. I also know that if I end up single forever...that is perfectly fine by me.

Over the years I have lost friends because of their boyfriends. They either “weren't allowed” to keep their friends, ditched their friends because they had to spend every waking moment with “him” or their boyfriends did not like me (and God forbid these girls make their own decisions). There have been instances where my friend's boyfriends did not want them going out with me because I was deemed a “troublemaker”. And for the sole reason that I was single. I mean really? I didn't realize that “single” was code for “moral deviant”.

There have also been a few cases where my female friendship ended but I later on renewed a friendship with the ex-boyfriend. I have a few male friends who at one time dated girlfriends of mine. Quite often I become friends with the ex-boyfriends NEW girlfriends! And hey...why not? What an antiquated notion it is that we have to base OUR friendships on the success or failure of OTHER relationships. I've about had it with the “pack mentality”. I will be friends with whomever I please. And unless there is real cause to no longer talk to a friend's ex, I will remain friends with him. Who “wrote” these “unwritten rules” that state when 2 people break up we have to choose sides? Bull shit. It is my experience that the male friendships will outlast the female ones anyway (though I've had a stupid number of shitty girlfriends).

I have also had friends whose dates I can't fucking stand. Whether it is because they treat my friends poorly, I see warning flags popping up, we butt heads or, plain and simple, I don't think they are good enough/classy enough/smart enough/kind enough...etc, etc. This can make things rather difficult. Sometimes it is best to just agree not to discuss the boyfriend (in essence pretend he doesn't exist). Other times the friendship will eventually fizzle out because of it (if that is the case, trust me, the friendship was never real and odds are that relationship won't last either).

From the time we start “liking” boys, in grade 6 or 7 (probably younger now), our relationships with our girlfriends inevitably change. Forever. Priorities shift. Conflicts arise. Friendships suffer. I know it is all part of life and there are some schools of thought who believe we are put on this earth for one reason...to find a life partner and procreate. I, however, beg to differ. I believe we are here to learn from every experience and relationship we have. Whether it is with significant others or friends. What we need to do is start making everyone in our lives a priority. All of our relationships should be of equal importance. And WE should choose who we want in OUR lives. That friendship you end on account of someone else may have been one of the best friends you never had.

And finally, I don't know where this blog came from. I guess I have been thinking about the past a lot lately. NEVER a good thing for me. It is my hope that by purging some of these thoughts publicly, I will finally be able to put these issues to rest. For good. Stay tuned for my blog on friendship. With everything I have gone through with “friends”, I promise it will be a doosy.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Friday, May 20, 2011

Random Thought

So...my condo backs a park with a man-made lake. As you can imagine, there are TONS of birds that hang out there. I hear everything from little chickadee chirps, to goose honks, to the horrid caw of the crows. 

I also hear some bird sounds that defy explanation. Bizarre squawks that I have never heard before. This leads me to wonder...are random birds "hooking up" in the park and giving birth to strange "mixed race" birds? And on that note...how do birds...uh... "do it"? Does anyone really know?

Have a great LONG weekend, folks.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I know it's been awhile since I last posted a new blog and it's not for lack of trying. Here's the problem...I am officially suffering from my first case of writer's block. It is terrifying, upsetting and, well, a little hard to believe. I mean, I have a lot to say...I always do...I just can't find the words. Dear words: WHERE DID YOU GO???

It is terrifying in the sense that I fear I'll never be able to write again. Can you imagine how horrible that would be for all of you? What if that part of my brain (you know, the witty, charming, opinionated part) has just shut off? What if I am not able to turn it back on? Is it a power failure? A bad connection? Have other parts of my brain revolted against it? Seriously...WHAT?

Anyway, I am working on it and I am hopeful that one day soon, the words will start flowing again. In the meantime, please don't "write" me off!

You WILL love me again...I promise.

Stacey xo

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Be Back Soooon!

Just a quick note that I will be blogging again soon. After an exhaustive 9-month search, I have adopted a beautiful 4 year old Siamese cat. She comes to me from Calgary and her name is Roo. I am focused on her at the moment as she is my first child :).

See you SOON!

You know you love me,

Stacey xo