Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh, Charlie

I woke up this morning and, as usual, read my celebrity blogs. I mean, who can start the day without knowing what is going on with our precious celebrities??? Those who know me, know that I have a bit of an unabashed obsession with celebs. It started when I was probably 7 or 8...for real (I know this age is common now but back in wasn't). My Grandma Sook always had tons of movie star books (I have them now) and she was a faithful Enquirer reader. Scouring the news stand rag was something we did together. I look back on that time fondly.

Anyway, I digress. The first article I read this morning was on Charlie Sheen. His show "Two and a Half Men" has stopped production. Charlie is up in arms and went on a rant about the producer of the show. Here is the quote that inspired today's post:

"Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words — imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists."-Charlie Sheen

Dear Charlie:
You are batshit fucking crazy and I love you. Please do not go to rehab. The coked out, porn star screwing, train wreck Charlie kicks ass! We are desperate for more quotes like this. Call me...I will be your loyal enabler.
Love: Stacey xo

In my opinion, Charlie Sheen is responsible for one of the hands-down sexiest scenes in cinematic history. A pic is worth a thousand words:

His role as "boy in police station" was HOT. I would pay ANYTHING to see that scene remade with Jennifer and Charlie NOW. It. Would. Be. Awesome.

Anyway...have a great weekend. If you are cold...drink Jag. It cures everything.

You know you love me,
Stacey xo