Monday, February 06, 2012

She is SO Strange

 We all do little things that make us stand out from the crowd. That makes us individuals. That, at times, even make us seem like we are completely off our rockers. Some people find these actions annoying. Some find them endearing. But, regardless of what people think, these are the little things that make us who we are.  Here are a few little things that make me Stacey. Don’t judge.

It appears I have a couple of OCD-like tendencies (I’m sure some of you would argue I have more than a couple…to you I say never mind). First, I am a “checker”. When I leave the house, after I lock the door, I MUST check it 3 times. If I don’t do this ritual, I will leave and then inevitably have to turn around to come home and check that the door is in fact locked (it always is). I’m also a “counter”. For instance, when I wash my face in the morning, I splash it with water 6 times, at night when taking off my make-up, 10 times. Yeah, I don’t know either.

Another weirdo quirk I have has to do with my car stereo. My volume is numerical. I know, you are probably saying, “yeah, so what?”  Well, when I am playing my stereo, the volume has to be set at either an even number or a number divisible by 5. Please, don’t ask me why because I don’t know. I suppose this could be attributed to OCD too. Oh boy…I don’t think I like the pattern that is developing here.

This one I have had for many years. If I am walking with someone, doesn’t matter who or where it is, they MUST be on my right side. This started sometime in grade 10, I think. It really makes no sense, especially because I don’t hear as well out of my right ear as I do my left. So, if you are ever walking with me, either assume the position, or watch me stealthily move to the other side.

Do you eat the first piece of cheese when slicing into a new brick? I don’t. I always throw the first piece in the garbage (which is odd because I hate wasting food). I don’t know if it is because of the lines on it from the packaging or if I somehow think it tastes different.  Ummm…yeah.

Here’s one more. After all, if I write about all of them, I might get a visit from a couple of nice men with a white, buckled jacket for me. Anyway, when I am reading, I cannot insert the bookmark mid-chapter. I must, no matter how pages are left, finish a chapter before placing the bookmark and putting the book down. This is somewhat normal, isn’t it? C'mon. Humour me! 

So, those are a few of my little quirks. A few peculiarities that make me Stacey. A few oddities that are either terribly irritating or frustratingly adorable. What makes you strange?

You Know You Love Me,

Stacey xo


  1. I do the chapter thing as well. I usually start the chapter, then count to see how many pages are left. Often, I will time how long it will take me to read a page so I can get an approximate ETA to the end of the chapter. I hate it.

  2. Oh yes...I count the pages too or at least flip through them to get a guesstimate! Sigh...
