I recently posted this cartoon on my Facebook page mocking the fact that “Christmas” has essentially become a expletive. Someone on my Facebook friend list reported me for posting it and it was removed from my profile. Yes, you read that correctly. I was reported for posting a CARTOON.
We are living in a time where we have to watch absolutely everything we say for fear of offending someone. It is ridiculous. People have become so “god” damned sensitive that I swear, it is making me even MORE offensive in my opinions and the things I say or post on my Facebook page. It has become a form of rebellion for me.
I find the fact that saying MERRY CHRISTMAS has become politically incorrect appalling. We live in Canada, a free country. That we are having to change our traditions to appease other people/cultures is a joke. Now don't go labelling me a racist or say that I am culturally “insensitive”. I'm not. At all. I welcome other cultures. I believe we can learn a lot from each other. After all, Canada is and has always been, a mosaic of people and cultures. But just as we have to adapt to the customs of other countries when relocating or simply visiting, I feel that others should have to do the same. I'm not saying that I expect folks of different cultures to embrace our traditions, I'm saying that they should respect them.
I am aware that Christmas is based on Christianity and I can tell you that I am 100% NOT a Christian. I have absolutely no use for “god” or “christ” (I have extremely strong opinions on this). I, however, am not the least bit offended by someone saying “Merry Christmas” to me. I think of it as a pleasant greeting like “Happy Holidays” or “Season's Greetings”. I mean come on, for a lot of people the religious aspect of Christmas is somewhat of an antiquated notion at this point. What does shopping 'til we drop, maxing our credit cards and eating and drinking like pigs have to do with the baby jesus? Absolutely nothing. Christmas now has multiple meanings and everyone has their own personal definition. For some it is celebrating the “birth of Christ”. For me, it is spending time with loved ones and showing my appreciation for them (with a whole lotta food and wine).
I guess what I am saying is, we can't please all of the people all of the time. It is impossible. So, let's just practice respect and acceptance of all. All people. All customs. All traditions. There really is room enough for all of us.
Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings and, you guessed it, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
You know you love me,
Stacey xo