Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Screw. You.

Yesterday a comment was thrown my way that has left me feeling pretty low. The comment was actually a thinly veiled “shot” at me said by someone who should be there for me. Period. I’ve tried not to let it bother me but, it’s hard. So, here are some words of advice. And I'm going to keep this short.

Surround yourself with people who support and love you unconditionally. People who are positive.  People who lift you up, not drag you down.  If someone really cares about you and your well-being, they won’t take shots at you or make you feel like shit. Ever.

If you have people in your life that say hurtful things, trample your feelings and make you feel bad about yourself, say good-bye, regardless of who they are or how long you have known them. If, for whatever reason, you can't kick 'em to the curb, limit your time with them. Life can be hard enough without having people who are supposed to care about you knocking you down.

You know you love me…and if you don’t…beat it…I don’t need you.

Stacey xo