Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oh dear....

I'm experiencing some fairly severe writers block. I promise to be back as soon as I can. I'm not one to be able to force writing. Until then...

My little Roo!

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why? Because I CHOOSE To Be!

I am often asked why I am “still single”. The answer: Because I choose to be. There are a couple of other deeply personal reasons (which believe it or not I won’t share) but for the most part, it really is by choice. I remember in childhood a friend once predicted I would never marry and would eventually become a glamorously eccentric woman. Wow. I wonder if this friend has set up shop as a psychic advisor because she hit the nail on the head with this 1981 prediction!

I’ve mentioned before how I feel like I was born 10 years too soon or that I am 10 years too old. When I look back it becomes more and more clear. In my pre-teen years of elementary school I was clearly not ready for boys when all my friends were. It was the forceful hand of peer pressure that put my Barbie’s in the “tickle trunk” for the last time and scolded me for still wanting to “play”. Don’t get me wrong, I was boy crazy like every other 13 year old girl, but my boys took the form of posters on my wall and resided in the pages of Star Hits magazine.

My beloved Barbie's
I remember going to a hockey dance in grade 9. It was great fun up until the end when my friends wanted to leave with some older boys (older being 16!). I did not want to go. I was scared and uncomfortable and just wanted to go home. After being called a little baby and being told to grow-up, I ended up being driven home by whomever it was that was picking us up, while my friends did in fact leave with the boys.

For the rest of high school I tried to be a “normal” teen girl but it never seemed to matter who I had a crush on, I was always passed up for my friends. I was always too flat, too pale, too weird or too “not blonde” (and it seems to me there were a lot of blonde girls in my school). I guess this just added to my insecurities and unwillingness to put myself out there.

Me in Grade 10
 Fast forward to my 20’s when most of my friends were embarking on long-term relationships. My relationship was with a tall, dark and handsome drink of “water” called Budweiser. I was still just not ready to date anyone and was far more interested in going to the bar and partying like a rockstar. During this time, I did have a couple of pretty amazing guys show interest in me but I was far too immature to react properly and because of my high school dating record (or lack thereof) I had no idea how dating or relationships worked. Because of my immaturity at the time, I did break a couple of hearts. I can now say for certain it was because my emotional age was much younger than my chronological age.

I did date a little in my 30’s but I wonder if it is because I really wanted to, or because I felt that I had to. The question of why I was “still” single was being asked more frequently and friends were getting married and having kids (not necessarily in that order). I guess I felt forced to submit to so-called social norms. Peer pressure had its ugly grip on me yet again. But, after a couple of terrible experiences I resigned myself to the fact that maybe coupledom just wasn’t for me. I am okay with it but it seems a lot of people aren’t. Maybe one day things will change. Maybe it is true that I haven’t met that “special someone” yet .But for now, I am still that weird, pale, non-blonde and that is just fine by me. And hey, the word spinster exists for a reason and I just happen to be the coolest one out there. 
....and perfectly okay with it!

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Friday, March 09, 2012

I Remember So I Don't Forget

I remember so I don’t forget.

I remember being surrounded by loved ones and feeling completely alone. I remember convincing myself that I was alone.

I remember feeling like a burden to all who knew me. I remember feeling they would be better off without me.

I remember staying in bed for days on end. I remember the life-draining exhaustion.

I remember having no energy to shower. I remember hiding my greasy hair in a bandana.

I won’t forget sitting at my desk at work randomly bursting into tears. I won’t forget crying in the solitude of a bathroom stall.

I remember feeling like I wasn’t meant to be happy. I remember the look on my doctor’s face when I told him that.

I won’t forget the months when I cried more than laughed.

I remember my demons telling me I was crazy. I remember believing it.

I won’t forget not knowing who I was. I won’t forget that my illness became my identity.

I won’t forget those who abandoned me. I won’t forget those who saved me.

I remember fighting for my life. I won’t forget I WON.

I remember so I don’t forget.

I write so others know they are not alone.

***Our struggles teach us how to fight. Fight, and you will win.***

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Thursday, March 08, 2012

My Name is Stacey. I am a DORK.

I’ve been told I always look very “put together”. Of course, being me, I don’t see it that way but I do always take it as a compliment. There are definitely times though when I am very NOT put together. Times when I’ve had (rather hilarious) mishaps. Here’s a few. Make sure you pee before you read this or you might pee WHILE reading this!

1. It was 1993. I had just had my belly button pierced (by an ear piercing gun, no less). I was pretty into showing it off at the time as not many people had piercings back then. Yes kids, I was a pioneer. Anyway, when going to the bar, I would often only do up two buttons on my tops so my belly button (and flat stomach, sigh) were visible. A friend and I went to a bar called Checkers one night. I’ll admit, I thought I was pretty hot shit. So, we are dancing away and I stop to go to the washroom. Low and behold, my shirt is hanging wide open and I’ve been dancing and walking around basically in my bra. Awesome. Even after this incident I continued to only button my shirt with 2 buttons….but with a little safety-pin reinforcement. Loser.

2. We are in Calgary for my cousin Sheldon’s wedding. Dressed to the nines, partying at a fancy Cowtown hotel. I excuse myself from the table to, again, go to the washroom. When finished, I come walking out to head back to the reception room. People are looking at me like crazy. Like seriously staring. I’m thinking, “Damn girl, you look gooood”. Feeling stupidly confident my walk turns into more of a strut. Then I look down. Yup, my “stay-up” hosiery that goes up to the mid-thigh is now sagging down by my knees. Hmm…perhaps THAT is why everyone was looking at me? Dork.

Imagine these...but sagging down by my knees.
3. I used to work for a group of obstetricians/gynecologists. I wasn’t required to wear scrubs but did on occasion because let’s be serious…wearing scrubs is like wearing PJ’s to work. Anyway, the office of one of the doctors I worked for was at the end of a fairly long hallway. One morning I had to deliver a stack of files to him. Well, on the way back to my desk I see a pair of WHITE cotton underwear laying in the middle of the hallway. To my horror, I realize they are MINE! They had been in the leg of my scrubs…along with a Bounce sheet. Thankfully THIS mishap was only witnessed by ME....I think?

4. This one is utterly ridiculous and former co-workers still talk about it to this day. It happened when I was working at the University. It was a typically long day and I needed a break. I walked down to a friend’s office to have a visit. He looked at me strangely and said, “Stacey, why do you only have only one lens in your glasses?”. I’m like, “What are you talking about?” Yup, I had lost my right lens and had been walking around the hospital (where our dept was located) for WHO knows how long. Who the hell doesn't realize they have one lens missing? I must have looked like an IDIOT. Oh and I never did find said lens. My guess is it will turn up in a file one day.

So, I hope you have enjoyed reading about a few of my appearance-related mishaps. I swear this shit could only happen to me. Why? Because I am Stacey.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

They Say It's Your Birthday

My Dearest Stacey:

Your birthday is on Thursday. Forty-one years old. I know, it is hard to say without gagging. After all, wasn’t it just yesterday that you were TWENTY-ONE? At least you are a very young 41 (verrrry young). You’ve always believed you were born 10 years too soon so I guess in “Stacey years” that puts you at 31!

You’ve been to Hell and back in the last couple of years. You successfully conquered your demons and came out of it stronger and healthier than you’ve ever been. Be proud of that. It took a lot of courage and determination. Yes, you still have days when your demons grasp at your legs trying to drag you under but those days are fewer and far between now. And you are now able to fight them off before they suck you into their deep, dark, life-draining abyss.

The last 2 years didn’t come without some hardships. Yes, you lost a couple of friends (D&M). People you let into your inner sanctum. People you shared your despair with. As hard as losing these people was, know it was the silver lining in your Hellish journey. Know that these people were never your true friends. They wouldn’t have abandoned you if they were. I know it still hurts sometimes but you really are better off. Remember, look forward, not back. You’ve been doing really well in that regard. Focus forward!

You also left your job of almost 9 years. Leaving that security took guts. But, you did what was right for YOU. You can’t look back. You can’t keep analyzing if it really was the right thing to do. In your heart, you know it was. You weren’t happy and at the end, you were nearly destroyed. There will be an employer who will be thrilled to have you. Soon, too! I promise! You’ve remained so positive throughout this challenging time. Good for you! I know it’s not easy for you.

And I know how much it bothers you that you aren’t the social butterfly you once were. Don’t worry, that will come back in time, when you are ready. You’ve been through a lot but life IS slowly returning to “normal” and you are well on your way to being the super fun, party girl you once were. Remember what your Mom said the other day, she sees the glow in your face again! Your sparkle is coming back!

And you know what? Kudos to you, my dear, for not “needing” a man to make your life complete. Cheers to you for being independent and perfectly okay on your own. That in itself puts you ahead of the pack.

So, Stacey, you pale-skinned freak, always, always remember…you really are a great person. Don’t let anyone tell you different. You Rock. You forgot this once…don’t ever forget it again!

You know I love you,

Stacey xo

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Observations of the Male Species

Seeing as Valentine’s Day is tomorrow I thought I would write a little something about men. Ack… I have the hardest time saying “MEN”. In my eyes, they are still “guys”. Though in my eyes I am also still 20. Sigh. Here are a few observations I have made over the years about the opposite sex. 

1. I don’t care who it is or what they say. Guys…errrr…MEN really are only interested in “one thing” when they first lay eyes on you. If they tell you different, they are lying.  Period. 

2. As presented in one of my favourite movies, ‘When Harry Met Sally’, men and women cannot just be friends. I truly believe this.  If you are a woman and have, say, 5 male friends I can guarantee you that 4 of them will eventually fall for you or at the very least, want to sleep with you (whether this is verbalized or not is moot). The fifth guy in this scenario? Gay.

3. There are men out there who will almost always choose the blonde. At least it has usually been that way in my experience. My whole life I have been the brunette friend that they chat up to get to the blonde.  Jerks.

4. In the same vain, a lot of men also prefer  the airhead. The girl that will laugh at jokes she doesn’t get, the girl who will agree with everything, the girl who will completely change her likes and views to appease “her man”. To these guys, boob size is more important than the ability to converse. 

5. While most of society is repulsed by them, there are in fact men who embrace the “gold-digger” (an animal whose population is out of control and is in definite need of culling). Makes sense though as these women will do virtually anything for a designer bag and cubic zirconia earrings.

Now before y’all go ape-shit on my spinster ass, remember...this is just what I have personally witnessed in my (nearly) 41 years. I realize there are exceptions to every rule and that there are just as many women who exhibit questionable behaviour (which I’ll save for another post).  I also realize there are some pretty great guys out there. I’m just not sure where they are?

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Valentine Confession

Hi. My name is Stacey. I am a Valentine virgin.

I have never been taken out for a candlelit dinner at an overpriced restaurant where they try usher you out as quickly as possible so another couple can also pay $35 for a $10 bottle of wine.

I’ve never received a bouquet of roses that will inevitably die within 48 hours. Truthfully I prefer dead, dried roses anyway. But that is beside the point.

I don’t have a collection of future garage sale teddy-bears clutching giant hearts with cheesy messages on them (i.e.” I love you beary much”.) 

I’ve never had a bath drawn for me with floating rose petals in it. Not really sure why anyone would want rose petals in the bath unless you enjoy picking them out of your ass when you get out?

See you at Shoppers for cheap Lindt
chocolates on Feb 15!

 I don’t open my mailbox on February 14 to find a $10 Hallmark card. I mean really, you might as well just take that $10 and throw it straight into the garbage can. The only people that save shit like that are future guests on Hoarders.

I guess what I am trying to say is this, I am 40 years old and have never received a Valentine’s Day gift that wasn’t from my parents (bless their hearts). I used to be very bitter about this. I would colour in the February 14th square on my calendar, black. I would post anti-Valentine’s Day messages on my Facebook. But, my days of being bitter are over. No, not because I have decided to embrace the “holiday” but because the world doesn’t need further proof that I am a jaded Spinster.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Monday, February 06, 2012

She is SO Strange

 We all do little things that make us stand out from the crowd. That makes us individuals. That, at times, even make us seem like we are completely off our rockers. Some people find these actions annoying. Some find them endearing. But, regardless of what people think, these are the little things that make us who we are.  Here are a few little things that make me Stacey. Don’t judge.

It appears I have a couple of OCD-like tendencies (I’m sure some of you would argue I have more than a couple…to you I say never mind). First, I am a “checker”. When I leave the house, after I lock the door, I MUST check it 3 times. If I don’t do this ritual, I will leave and then inevitably have to turn around to come home and check that the door is in fact locked (it always is). I’m also a “counter”. For instance, when I wash my face in the morning, I splash it with water 6 times, at night when taking off my make-up, 10 times. Yeah, I don’t know either.

Another weirdo quirk I have has to do with my car stereo. My volume is numerical. I know, you are probably saying, “yeah, so what?”  Well, when I am playing my stereo, the volume has to be set at either an even number or a number divisible by 5. Please, don’t ask me why because I don’t know. I suppose this could be attributed to OCD too. Oh boy…I don’t think I like the pattern that is developing here.

This one I have had for many years. If I am walking with someone, doesn’t matter who or where it is, they MUST be on my right side. This started sometime in grade 10, I think. It really makes no sense, especially because I don’t hear as well out of my right ear as I do my left. So, if you are ever walking with me, either assume the position, or watch me stealthily move to the other side.

Do you eat the first piece of cheese when slicing into a new brick? I don’t. I always throw the first piece in the garbage (which is odd because I hate wasting food). I don’t know if it is because of the lines on it from the packaging or if I somehow think it tastes different.  Ummm…yeah.

Here’s one more. After all, if I write about all of them, I might get a visit from a couple of nice men with a white, buckled jacket for me. Anyway, when I am reading, I cannot insert the bookmark mid-chapter. I must, no matter how pages are left, finish a chapter before placing the bookmark and putting the book down. This is somewhat normal, isn’t it? C'mon. Humour me! 

So, those are a few of my little quirks. A few peculiarities that make me Stacey. A few oddities that are either terribly irritating or frustratingly adorable. What makes you strange?

You Know You Love Me,

Stacey xo

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Let's Hear it For the BOY!

 I recently read my childhood diary. I found a particular entry that really stood out. To say I've been a very open-minded, accepting person for a long time is clearly an understatement. It seems I have always been drawn to people who are a little "different". Actually, let me clarify that. Different according to society’s incredibly suffocating standards.  

In my entry of January 18, 1984 (it's not a typo...1-9-8-4!) I wrote about my love for George O'Dowd, commonly known to most as Boy George. Yes kids, the Karma Chameleon of Video Hits and Good Rockin' Tonight. The dread-locked, fedora wearing songstress who ripped my heart out every time he sang 'Do You Really Want to Hurt Me' (NO my love...I would NEVER hurt you). I was teased incessantly by my square classmates because he "looked like a girl" and wore make-up. I didn't care. I LIKED boys that wore make-up. I STILL like boys that wear make-up. I remember getting into arguments and screaming at the top of my lungs in my deafening 12 year old girl screech..."I DON'T CARE IF HE IS A TRANSVESTITE...I LOVE HIM" (I have another diary entry to this effect). I'll be perfectly honest, this was Saskatoon circa 1984...I was 12...I had no fucking clue what a transvestite was. All I knew was that he was different and didn't care, he caused a stir and I LOVED him for it all. 

So, without further ado, thank you Boy George for making me so open minded and accepting at such a young age.

Now please join me in accepting everyone, JUST AS THEY ARE!

You Know You Love Me,

Stacey xo

PS. I am working on the look of my blog, as you can see. Please be patient while I perfect it!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Liar, Liar, Panties on Fire

I started writing this blog last year for a few reasons. One, I was encouraged to write by several friends and family. Two, it is a way to get things off my chest. And three, it is a way to share my thoughts, opinions and experiences.

My blog has always been, and always will be, 100% authentic. I take pride in being an honest person (perhaps too honest at times). There are no tall-tales in my writing and no embellishments. I tell it like it is, often not thinking about the reactions I will get or the consequences I may face.

I did not start blogging to achieve my 15 minutes of “fame”. I did not join Twitter to endlessly nag people to read. I haven’t shamelessly “promoted” myself and I have no intentions of being the next Perez Hilton. Selfishly, my blog is more for ME than anyone else. I consider it a form of therapy.

Where is this coming from, you ask? Well, there are some bloggers out there who are passing off fiction as fact to increase readership. I find this to be morally reprehensible. These people are clearly of the George Costanza mindset, “it’s not a lie…if YOU believe it”. There is nothing more frightening than a person who believes their own bull-shit.

To those who take the time to read Stacey Stuff, thank you. I hope that you have been able to take a little something from the words I jumble together and the experiences I have shared. You can always count on me to tell it like it is, no holds barred.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Screw. You.

Yesterday a comment was thrown my way that has left me feeling pretty low. The comment was actually a thinly veiled “shot” at me said by someone who should be there for me. Period. I’ve tried not to let it bother me but, it’s hard. So, here are some words of advice. And I'm going to keep this short.

Surround yourself with people who support and love you unconditionally. People who are positive.  People who lift you up, not drag you down.  If someone really cares about you and your well-being, they won’t take shots at you or make you feel like shit. Ever.

If you have people in your life that say hurtful things, trample your feelings and make you feel bad about yourself, say good-bye, regardless of who they are or how long you have known them. If, for whatever reason, you can't kick 'em to the curb, limit your time with them. Life can be hard enough without having people who are supposed to care about you knocking you down.

You know you love me…and if you don’t…beat it…I don’t need you.

Stacey xo

Monday, January 09, 2012

You KNEW It Was Coming

 Thoughts, feelings and things that piss me off, annoy me and even scare me in the first 9 days of 2012. Y'all knew it was coming. 

1    1. Bon Jovi is doing commercials for Advil. Really? Advil? Considering he is an aging rockstar wouldn’t Viagra be more appropriate?

2. People undeserving of the credit or attention they receive. Period.

3. It’s WORK, not “werk”. It’s YOU ARE, not “ur”. It’s WHAT, not “wat”.  It’s THE, not “da”. What the hell is this shit? Why are people spelling like they are pre-Kindergarten? Tell me, what did the H in "wHat" ever do to you? Come on people. Smarten up (as my parents used to tell me...well, still do)!

4. I’ve had it with people, usually women, who say Botox and injections are “no different” than hair dye and make-up. Seriously? The last time I glanced in the mirror my make-up didn’t leave me looking like an emotionless fish.

5. I’ve probably said this before but, who the hell are these assholes who refuse to brush off or scrape their vehicle windows? I don’t get it. If you ARE one of these people, do you have any idea what this says about you (lazy, stupid, and irresponsible come to mind). I refuse to knowingly associate with these people. For real.

WTF? Grrrrr!

6. Potatoes with roots. These things terrify me. I won’t go anywhere near them.

Scarier than ANY horror movie.

7. Parents who call their kids their “best friends” (and vice versa). No. Your kids are not your best friends they are your CHILDREN. A 36 year old should not have a 12 year old best friend. There is a HUGE lack of parenting in today’s society and this is why. Nobody wants to discipline or ground their “BFF”. Parent first, friend second.

8. Ebay sellers who charge outrageous amounts for shipping. I was recently looking for a 2012 calendar. All I could find at the local mall was Justin Bieber, The Girls of Maxim Magazine and wild horses. So, to Ebay I went. Ummm, yeah. To have a $10 calendar sent to me it would cost $25 for shipping. Who in their right mind is going to pay $25 to have a CALENDAR shipped? I swear. At times Ebay is like a legal form of extortion.

9. Women who post risqué photos on Facebook. Come on. It is 2012. We ALL know that what you put out (take it how you want) there, stays out there…forever. Kids are bullied enough these days without having to deal with their friends seeing you half-naked. Put your clothes on and get some class.

      10. People who constantly text when out with others. It. Is. Rude. My phone stays in my purse when I am out with friends. That is until I get so bored of talking to myself that I start playing Angry Birds. Sigh…2000’s, you suck. 

You suck.

     You know you love me...even when I'm grouchy, 
     Stacey xo 

     PS. If there are any errors, I apologize. I am posting this while having migraine auras. I see virtually nothing but black and white squiggly lines. My world is one giant zebra pattern right now.



Wednesday, January 04, 2012

"Stacey, you have fat ankles"

With the New year upon us, many people have made New Year's Resolutions. I am not one of those people. I find as soon as you start making lists and verbalizing these grand plans, you set yourself up to fail. I find it is better to just DO without making a big TA-DO!

At the top of many resolution lists is losing weight. It makes me sad that this is such an ongoing, all-consuming issue for so many people. I was thinking of my own personal weight history and I have to say, the pressure to be thin has been weighing me down for many, many years. When I was in high school I weighed 117 lbs. I thought I was fat. In my 20's I weighed 125 lbs. I thought I was fat. In my 30's I weighed 130 lbs and yes, I thought I was fat. What is wrong with this picture? It is heartbreaking that even when I was fit as a fiddle, I still didn't feel like I was good enough or thin enough.

In my 20's I was at my peak. I was a gym rat who worked out 3 hours a night, 6 days a week and I looked gooood (though as I said, didn't see it at the time). It was during this time that I was told I was “thick” and that I had “fat ankles”. The fact that I can still recall exactly when and where I was told this says a lot. It says that, unfortunately, it is human nature to hang onto the insults and bad things that are said about us as opposed to compliments and good things.

I happen to LIKE my ankles! 

Let's face it, you don't know what someone's personal struggle with weight is about. It can be genetic, it can be medication related, it can be illness related. For those who are abused, eating can be a form of comfort. For those who are insecure or have low self-confidence, it can be a way to “hide”. Those off the cuff comments can stick with someone for a very long time and cause a huge amount of unseen damage.

So, without making this a “resolution”, let's start 2012 by treating each other (and ourselves) with kindness, respect and above all, understanding. Pay those close to you meaningful compliments. Hell, throw one out to a complete stranger! Make it a personal goal to pay one person a compliment a day. Uttering a few kind words won't only make someone else feel good, it will make YOU feel good too.

And lastly, let's start remembering the nice things people say to us and screw the insults. Who needs 'em!

We're beautiful. No matter what they say. Words won't bring us down.”--Christina Aguilera.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Saturday, December 31, 2011

How's THIS for Positive

It's no secret that I have had a pretty shitty year (well, 2 actually). I am typically one that likes (?) to dwell on stuff so I thought I would do the opposite for a change. Kinda like how George Costanza went against every natural instinct on Seinfeld in one memorable episode. So, with that being said, I am going to list 5 GOOD things that happened in 2011...if I can think of 5, that is (insert Debbie Downer comments here).

"Every decision I have ever made in my entire life, has been wrong. 
My life is the complete opposite of everything I wanted to be. 
Every instinct I have, in every aspect of life, is it something to wear,
 something to eat, it’s all been wrong" - George Costanza

1. I successfully won my battle against depression. That is not to say that my demons don't occasionally latch onto my legs in an attempt to pull me down. But, I am now strong enough to let them briefly think they are winning and then kick the shit out of them. I am now able to put things into perspective and move on. I am no longer crazy irrational and I can now deal with things head-on. These may seem like “normal” every day things for everyone else but for me, it is huge.

2.  This may sound like an odd one for someone who is pushing 41 but I renewed my mortgage all by myself, without my parents input. I've led a somewhat sheltered/protected life and most major decisions are made with the help of my Mom and Dad. This was a big step for me and made me feel like a real, actual, grown-up for the first time in my life. 

3.  I adopted my first child. I've had cats since birth and they have played different roles in my life. Our first family cat,Taffy, was my protector, my little Mama, guarding my crib and always making sure I was okay. When Taffy passed we got Frankie. Frankie was my sibling. We had a love/hate relationship like most sibs do. When Frankie died in 2008, my folks didn't get another cat. This past May, after a 9 month search, I adopted Roo. Roo is my daughter. She is what I have needed for a very long time. She is the light of my life. As crazy as it sounds, she gives me purpose. Which I desperately needed.

My little Roo.

4. This is a pretty big one. One that I have regretted at times but deep down know was the right decision. I resigned from my job of almost 9 years. I am thankful that I had this job as it changed my life in many ways from being able to buy my condo to making some pretty amazing friends that I can't imagine my life without. But, this job also caused me to spiral into a year long depression that turned my whole world upside down. Seeing how I am supposed to be “positive” in this post, that had a silver lining too. It made me face some longstanding issues and get healthy...really healthy, for the first time in my life. As traumatic as the end of my time at this job was, it did change my life for the better and for that I have to be thankful.  

5. And finally, what may be the most important one of all...I now know I am never alone. I mean, I never really was alone but a lot of the time I twisted my reality to make myself feel alone. I have the most supportive family in the world who accept me AND all my faults. I also now have a stable group of friends who do the same. Friends who have never once abandoned me (like a few others did) during this stressful time. I can honestly say I have put a lot of people close to me through hell the last year or so. I can also say that they have all stuck by me, been honest with me and supported me when I needed it the most. I will never, ever forget what these people did for me. They saved me from myself.

I'm not going to lie...going into the New Year scares the hell out of me. I'm terrified of what it holds or, does not hold. But I also know that the five things I have listed here have changed my life for the better and have armed me to go forward into 2012 with the most positive attitude I have ever had. And that, my friends, is huge.

I hope your 2012 is filled with health, happiness, friends, family and wine.

You know you love me,

Stacey-Version 2.0 xo

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Brand New Greeting For ALL!

I received mixed responses regarding my last post on the controversy of saying "Merry Christmas". Some people agreed with me, some definitely did not. 

I've been thinking about what everyone had to say, trying to figure out a solution to make everyone happy. Well, I think I've found it. Ironically, it was hanging on my "Christmas" tree. From now on, let's use a brand new greeting. One that sums up the holidays in 2 little words...."Merry Excess". 

May you spend your Excess Season eating too much, drinking too much, shopping too much,  and above all, visiting with your loved ones too much. Because let's face it, too much is often not enough.

Merry Excess!

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Merry CHR***MAS!

I recently posted this cartoon on my Facebook page mocking the fact that “Christmas” has essentially become a expletive. Someone on my Facebook friend list reported me for posting it and it was removed from my profile. Yes, you read that correctly. I was reported for posting a CARTOON.

We are living in a time where we have to watch absolutely everything we say for fear of offending someone. It is ridiculous. People have become so “god” damned sensitive that I swear, it is making me even MORE offensive in my opinions and the things I say or post on my Facebook page. It has become a form of rebellion for me.

I find the fact that saying MERRY CHRISTMAS has become politically incorrect appalling. We live in Canada, a free country. That we are having to change our traditions to appease other people/cultures is a joke. Now don't go labelling me a racist or say that I am culturally “insensitive”. I'm not. At all. I welcome other cultures. I believe we can learn a lot from each other. After all, Canada is and has always been, a mosaic of people and cultures. But just as we have to adapt to the customs of other countries when relocating or simply visiting, I feel that others should have to do the same. I'm not saying that I expect folks of different cultures to embrace our traditions, I'm saying that they should respect them.

I am aware that Christmas is based on Christianity and I can tell you that I am 100% NOT a Christian. I have absolutely no use for “god” or “christ” (I have extremely strong opinions on this). I, however, am not the least bit offended by someone saying “Merry Christmas” to me. I think of it as a pleasant greeting like “Happy Holidays” or “Season's Greetings”. I mean come on, for a lot of people the religious aspect of Christmas is somewhat of an antiquated notion at this point. What does shopping 'til we drop, maxing our credit cards and eating and drinking like pigs have to do with the baby jesus? Absolutely nothing. Christmas now has multiple meanings and everyone has their own personal definition. For some it is celebrating the “birth of Christ”. For me, it is spending time with loved ones and showing my appreciation for them (with a whole lotta food and wine).

I guess what I am saying is, we can't please all of the people all of the time. It is impossible. So, let's just practice respect and acceptance of all. All people. All customs. All traditions. There really is room enough for all of us.

Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings and, you guessed it, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Look the F**K Out

I am in  bit of a foul mood the last couple of days. I took some allergy medicine and it affected me in a very negative way. Not sure if it was a drug interaction or I just can't handle the medicine. Regardless, I am feeling very pissy and I am going to rant my ass off because of it. Good ol' purge therapy. Here goes:

1. I am SICK of people judging others on how they look. If you look so god damned perfect, why aren't you making millions as a supermodel? Get over yourselves. Seriously.

2. I am SICK of people judging ME because I have an armband tattoo. Listen assholes, I got it when most of you were still in diapers. You think your "sleeves" aren't going to be dated one day soon? At least I can remove mine in 4 easy appointments. How many will it take remove your full body tattoos? I'll have the last laugh.

3. I am SICK of former "friends" coming out of the woodwork and accusing me of various shit. Guess what? You mean NOTHING to me. You don't even cross my mind at this point. F**k off and die. Yup, I said it.

4. I am SICK of paying an arm and a leg to eat healthy. What is wrong with society when fast food is cheaper than fresh? No wonder obesity and diabetes have reached epidemic levels. 

5. I am SICK of criminals getting a slap on the wrist regardless of the severity of their crime. Whatever happened to an eye for an eye? Why are these people coddled? Why is it the victims who have to fight for THEIR RIGHTS? Total bull shit.

6. I am SICK of taking the time to write someone a message or an email only to get NOTHING back. I am so DONE with lopsided friendships. And the "I'm so busy" excuse doesn't fly with me. It takes less than 5 minutes to fire off a quick email. MAKE the time.

7. I am SICK of being given the "silent treatment" or being "punished" because I couldn't attend an event. Sometimes life gets in the way and it's just not possible. It doesn't mean I don't CARE. It means my current circumstances prevented me from attending. Life does NOT revolve around YOU.

8. I am SICK of living in a society where forgiveness is non-existent. Everyone makes mistakes. EVERYONE. 

9. I am SICK of how people on Facebook try and pretend their lives are fairytale perfect. Get real and be HONEST. You aren't fooling anyone.  "The lady doth protest too much, methinks". 

10. I am SICK of being crucified for my opinions. They are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. If you don't like them...too f**king bad. 

I'm sure there will be those out there saying, "Stacey is so negative". Yes, my personality does tend toward the negative but I've worked very hard this year to become a more positive person. With that being said, there is still A LOT of shit that pisses me off....and I'm not afraid to say it.

You know you love me...and if you don't, I really don't care,

Stacey xo