Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Liar, Liar, Panties on Fire

I started writing this blog last year for a few reasons. One, I was encouraged to write by several friends and family. Two, it is a way to get things off my chest. And three, it is a way to share my thoughts, opinions and experiences.

My blog has always been, and always will be, 100% authentic. I take pride in being an honest person (perhaps too honest at times). There are no tall-tales in my writing and no embellishments. I tell it like it is, often not thinking about the reactions I will get or the consequences I may face.

I did not start blogging to achieve my 15 minutes of “fame”. I did not join Twitter to endlessly nag people to read. I haven’t shamelessly “promoted” myself and I have no intentions of being the next Perez Hilton. Selfishly, my blog is more for ME than anyone else. I consider it a form of therapy.

Where is this coming from, you ask? Well, there are some bloggers out there who are passing off fiction as fact to increase readership. I find this to be morally reprehensible. These people are clearly of the George Costanza mindset, “it’s not a lie…if YOU believe it”. There is nothing more frightening than a person who believes their own bull-shit.

To those who take the time to read Stacey Stuff, thank you. I hope that you have been able to take a little something from the words I jumble together and the experiences I have shared. You can always count on me to tell it like it is, no holds barred.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Screw. You.

Yesterday a comment was thrown my way that has left me feeling pretty low. The comment was actually a thinly veiled “shot” at me said by someone who should be there for me. Period. I’ve tried not to let it bother me but, it’s hard. So, here are some words of advice. And I'm going to keep this short.

Surround yourself with people who support and love you unconditionally. People who are positive.  People who lift you up, not drag you down.  If someone really cares about you and your well-being, they won’t take shots at you or make you feel like shit. Ever.

If you have people in your life that say hurtful things, trample your feelings and make you feel bad about yourself, say good-bye, regardless of who they are or how long you have known them. If, for whatever reason, you can't kick 'em to the curb, limit your time with them. Life can be hard enough without having people who are supposed to care about you knocking you down.

You know you love me…and if you don’t…beat it…I don’t need you.

Stacey xo

Monday, January 09, 2012

You KNEW It Was Coming

 Thoughts, feelings and things that piss me off, annoy me and even scare me in the first 9 days of 2012. Y'all knew it was coming. 

1    1. Bon Jovi is doing commercials for Advil. Really? Advil? Considering he is an aging rockstar wouldn’t Viagra be more appropriate?

2. People undeserving of the credit or attention they receive. Period.

3. It’s WORK, not “werk”. It’s YOU ARE, not “ur”. It’s WHAT, not “wat”.  It’s THE, not “da”. What the hell is this shit? Why are people spelling like they are pre-Kindergarten? Tell me, what did the H in "wHat" ever do to you? Come on people. Smarten up (as my parents used to tell me...well, still do)!

4. I’ve had it with people, usually women, who say Botox and injections are “no different” than hair dye and make-up. Seriously? The last time I glanced in the mirror my make-up didn’t leave me looking like an emotionless fish.

5. I’ve probably said this before but, who the hell are these assholes who refuse to brush off or scrape their vehicle windows? I don’t get it. If you ARE one of these people, do you have any idea what this says about you (lazy, stupid, and irresponsible come to mind). I refuse to knowingly associate with these people. For real.

WTF? Grrrrr!

6. Potatoes with roots. These things terrify me. I won’t go anywhere near them.

Scarier than ANY horror movie.

7. Parents who call their kids their “best friends” (and vice versa). No. Your kids are not your best friends they are your CHILDREN. A 36 year old should not have a 12 year old best friend. There is a HUGE lack of parenting in today’s society and this is why. Nobody wants to discipline or ground their “BFF”. Parent first, friend second.

8. Ebay sellers who charge outrageous amounts for shipping. I was recently looking for a 2012 calendar. All I could find at the local mall was Justin Bieber, The Girls of Maxim Magazine and wild horses. So, to Ebay I went. Ummm, yeah. To have a $10 calendar sent to me it would cost $25 for shipping. Who in their right mind is going to pay $25 to have a CALENDAR shipped? I swear. At times Ebay is like a legal form of extortion.

9. Women who post risqué photos on Facebook. Come on. It is 2012. We ALL know that what you put out (take it how you want) there, stays out there…forever. Kids are bullied enough these days without having to deal with their friends seeing you half-naked. Put your clothes on and get some class.

      10. People who constantly text when out with others. It. Is. Rude. My phone stays in my purse when I am out with friends. That is until I get so bored of talking to myself that I start playing Angry Birds. Sigh…2000’s, you suck. 

You suck.

     You know you love me...even when I'm grouchy, 
     Stacey xo 

     PS. If there are any errors, I apologize. I am posting this while having migraine auras. I see virtually nothing but black and white squiggly lines. My world is one giant zebra pattern right now.



Wednesday, January 04, 2012

"Stacey, you have fat ankles"

With the New year upon us, many people have made New Year's Resolutions. I am not one of those people. I find as soon as you start making lists and verbalizing these grand plans, you set yourself up to fail. I find it is better to just DO without making a big TA-DO!

At the top of many resolution lists is losing weight. It makes me sad that this is such an ongoing, all-consuming issue for so many people. I was thinking of my own personal weight history and I have to say, the pressure to be thin has been weighing me down for many, many years. When I was in high school I weighed 117 lbs. I thought I was fat. In my 20's I weighed 125 lbs. I thought I was fat. In my 30's I weighed 130 lbs and yes, I thought I was fat. What is wrong with this picture? It is heartbreaking that even when I was fit as a fiddle, I still didn't feel like I was good enough or thin enough.

In my 20's I was at my peak. I was a gym rat who worked out 3 hours a night, 6 days a week and I looked gooood (though as I said, didn't see it at the time). It was during this time that I was told I was “thick” and that I had “fat ankles”. The fact that I can still recall exactly when and where I was told this says a lot. It says that, unfortunately, it is human nature to hang onto the insults and bad things that are said about us as opposed to compliments and good things.

I happen to LIKE my ankles! 

Let's face it, you don't know what someone's personal struggle with weight is about. It can be genetic, it can be medication related, it can be illness related. For those who are abused, eating can be a form of comfort. For those who are insecure or have low self-confidence, it can be a way to “hide”. Those off the cuff comments can stick with someone for a very long time and cause a huge amount of unseen damage.

So, without making this a “resolution”, let's start 2012 by treating each other (and ourselves) with kindness, respect and above all, understanding. Pay those close to you meaningful compliments. Hell, throw one out to a complete stranger! Make it a personal goal to pay one person a compliment a day. Uttering a few kind words won't only make someone else feel good, it will make YOU feel good too.

And lastly, let's start remembering the nice things people say to us and screw the insults. Who needs 'em!

We're beautiful. No matter what they say. Words won't bring us down.”--Christina Aguilera.

You know you love me,

Stacey xo